"This quantitative leap causes qualitative transformations in the social fabric, dialectically rippling outwards from Silicon Valley to the far reaches of wireless networks." Can you explain your use of 'dialectically' here?

"The iPhone revolutionized the technology industry and subsequently the world, as Marx predicted." lmao what??

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Yeah, I'm not too sure about that conclusion. I think it over estimates the role in which touch screens themselves changed the way we interface with media. Broadening the conclusion might help a little bit in terms of it's strength. I do think there is a considerable shift around the time companies really wanted their products IN your hands, rather than just generally accessible.

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I believe bringing in Merleau Ponty's embodied perception and expression while talking about the touch on the capacitive touchscreen will open up the conversation and help avoid the didacticism of (de)humanizing selves and machines eating civilization.

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staggeringly powerful words, thank you for putting the piece together!! i appreciate the social critique. i am working on a proposal to offer an alternative to the techno-capitalist snare, and solicit constructive feedback: https://agreeable.substack.com/p/an-invitation-to-agree

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What a fun read! Absolutely loved all the snarky, grim and gallows undertones to it. Delicious!

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