Benjamin Hall: Compasses
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Compasses is a series of conversations with a series of NPCs (non-player characters), in which players are presented with a range of optional responses to each twist in the ta(i)l(e). These options presented use the Zoomer’s logic of political compasses (libertarian -> authoritarian, left -> right) and Dungeons & Dragons character alignments (chaotic -> lawful, good -> evil) to elaborate upon the ramifications of different semi-fictionalised methodological approaches to love, care, romance, value, connectivity and longing. Speak to monsters, ghosts, salesmen, ex-lovers and people. Align yourself, and see how they respond.
All names, characters, places and incidents are partially fictional. Any resemblances to actual events or locales or persons - living or dead - is entirely intentional.
Compasses (2021, videogame/ interactive digital installation) Shown originally as part of tender spots in hard code at arebyte Gallery, London with Kate Frances Lingard; and later at the 17th Athens Digital Art Festival in Athens and Larissa.
Soundtrack by Ben Boswell-Jones
Nilometer photogrammetry by Mohamed Abdelaziz